Fausto Martin De Sanctis

Federal Judge at the 3rd Region Regional Federal Court and writer. He has served as Prosecutor for the Municipality of São Paulo, the State of São Paulo, and as a Judge of Law in São Paulo. He holds a PhD in Criminal Law from USP and is a specialist in Civil Procedure from UnB.

Luis Ramiro

CEO of Outsourcing and Executive Director of Governance at AML Group. An expert with over 22 years of experience in leadership positions in the compliance field, and in the implementation and management of AML-CFT programs in large companies.

Adilson Augusto Lobato

Director of AML Outsourcing, with 33 years of experience in the financial market, including 10 years in the areas of AML-CFT and Anti-Corruption. He has worked on the AML Commission of Febraban, the National Strategy to Combat Corruption and Money Laundering, and chaired the Advisory Board of the Alliance for Integrity in Brazil.

Gustavo Dias

Gustavo Dias has been a Technical Analyst at SUSEP since 2002, serving as an expert in Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism in SUSEP’s Office of Studies and Institutional Relations. He also represents Brazil in ENCCLA and in the FATF.

Gerson Romantini

Head of Division at the Central Bank of Brazil, responsible for AML/CFT supervision of large banks and exchange specialized banks. He has been working for over 20 years in the field of financial institutions supervision. He holds a Ph.D. and a Master’s degree in Economics from Unicamp.

Maíra Martella

Director of Financial Advisory at Deloitte, with a focus on the Forensic & Disputes practice and leading the Financial Crime team. With 20 years of experience in the financial market in Brazil, Africa, England, and the United States, she has worked in the areas of Compliance, Fraud, and Anti-Money Laundering.

Luciano Lourenço

Partner in the Risk Advisory area at Deloitte. He has over 21 years of experience in providing services to clients in the financial institutions sector on topics related to governance, risk, internal controls, compliance, and internal audit.

Henriete Sartori Bernabé

Vice President of Risk Management at Caixa Econômica Federal since March 2023. She has been an employee of the institution for over 24 years, and holds a degree in Economics and an MBA in Finance, Controller and Investment Strategy and Financing.

Bernardo Mota

President of IPLD, Specialist in Public Policies and Government Management, and member of the General Lottery Commission of the Ministry of Finance of Brazil. He was the former Coordinator-General of Institutional Articulation of COAF and acted as the head of the Brazilian delegation to the FATF and GAFILAT.

Rashmi Singh

Permanent Professor in the Postgraduate Program in International Relations at PUC Minas. Co-founder and co-director of the Terrorism, Radicalization and Transnational Crime (TRAC) research network. PhD in International Relations from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).